Blockchain for technology professionals / developers

Course Overview

Enabling technology professionals to become full-stack blockchain developers

Course Objective

To train technology experts in blockchain.

  1. Learn technical nuances of blockchain
  2. Understand consensus algorithm
  3. Understand the concept of private-public key pairs
  4. Develop application on Fabric, Ethereum, Multichain
  5. Architectural challenges and their solutions

Course Highlights

  1. Understanding the blockchain technology
  2. Develop blockchain PoCs
  3. Business cases and implementation model
  4. Sessions are conducted by experienced PwC instructors with extensive industry experience


Participants will be ready to develop blockchain PoC


Understand the concept of consensus and why it is important in blockchain


Develop applications independently


Understand the blockchain frameworks and their usage

Mid/Junior level developers/architects

Instructor led 30-40 hours programme

  • Introduction to Bitcoin & Blockchain
  • Transactions in blockchain and understanding consensus 
  • Introduction to Multichain and concept of assets in the blockchain 
  • Understanding Ethereum & Smart Contracts through development
  • Enterprise blockchain with Hyperledger Fabric; Development of Chaincode 
  • Do it Yourself - Design and Develop (Ethereum & Fabric)
  • Ideate and learn together
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