Oil, Gas and Emerging Alternatives (OGEA)

We provide professional services to our clients across the value chain of hydrocarbons - exploration and production through to fuels and chemicals, gas from the source to consumers and the emerging alternatives.

Oil companies are faced with an increasing demand for reduction in emissions, and the need to adopt newer ways of meeting fuel and feedstock demand.

oil and gas consultants in India

How PwC can help

With their insights and knowledge, our professionals serve energy clients across the oil and gas value chain on refining and marketing, petrochemicals, fertilisers, exploration and production, and natural gas and LNG businesses.

We work across a highly diverse client base, ranging from large traditional and complex organisations to some of the most innovative bodies. We have extensive experience in working with government ministries, regulatory bodies, industry federations as well as most public and private sector companies in the sector.

Our professionals receive extensive industry training and have a deep understanding of the various issues that confront energy executives.

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Petroleum industry

Oil and gas companies are globally witnessing an increasingly uncertain business environment. The increasing competition and subdued commodity prices amidst slowing consumption is leading to global oversupply. With the COVID-19 pandemic also contributing to the underwhelming market growth, there is increased pressure on the incumbents to optimise their asset portfolios, asset performance and product mix in a responsible manner to build competitive advantage and create unique value propositions.

Our services in this area includes:

  • Navigating the policy and regulatory framework
  • Facilitating market entry and investment decisions
  • Evaluating emerging alternatives’ market supporting circular economy 
  • Operating assets even more efficiently
  • Embracing IT, operations technology and advanced technology 
  • Facilitate virtual pipeline logistics evolution
  • Creating value through acquisition, divestitures and investments


Evaluating risk and return of target investment

Increasing regulatory, shareholder and market pressure on oil and gas companies amidst growing complexity of options is making it even more challenging to deliver year-on-year improved performance.

Establishing sound and reliable risk management strategies and framework is imperative for organisations to be resilient. It is also critical to promote a firm-wide culture of risk awareness where all internal divisions and external stakeholders take ownership for managing and reducing risk exposure in their respective operations. To achieve these objectives, companies in the Indian Oil & Gas and Emerging Alternatives sector are laying increasing focus to develop and implement a robust risk management program with the assistance of PwC.

We support clients in identifying, understanding and managing risk and help ensure an appropriate balance between risks and opportunities. While doing so, we follow best fit approaches, including the business process management.

How PwC can help

PwC has a dedicated team of subject matter experts to support you in defining clear risk management strategies and framework including early identification risks, risk ratings, qualitative and quantitative analysis of risks, etc.

Our key offerings include:

Choosing the right risk framework to suit client organisation’s requirements

Choosing the right risk framework to suit client organisation’s requirements

Identifying, assessing and managing various categories of risk

Identifying, assessing and managing various categories of risk

Developing risk registers, reporting frameworks

Developing risk registers, reporting frameworks

Quantitative risk analysis using suitable methods

Quantitative risk analysis using suitable methods

Technology enablement for risk monitoring and tracking

Technology enablement for risk monitoring and tracking

Setting up streamlined risk management processes

Setting up streamlined risk management processes

Developing business policies, processes and procedures

Developing business policies, processes and procedures

Setting up various performance KPIs linked to risks that an organisation faces

Setting up various performance KPIs linked to risks that an organisation faces

Developing and implementing effective risk mitigation measures

Developing and implementing effective risk mitigation measures

Integrating the risk management program with other Governance, Risk and Compliance processes

Integrating the risk management program with other Governance, Risk and Compliance processes

Using technology and digitalisation tools to strengthen organisation by risk management

Using technology and digitalisation tools to strengthen organisation by risk management

Making the best of investing in the growing Oil & Gas and emerging alternatives sector

Oil & Gas companies are globally witnessing an increasingly uncertain business environment. The increasing competition and subdued commodity prices amidst slowing consumption is leading to global oversupply. Energy transition is now a reality. Alternatives are emerging. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic also contributing to the underwhelming market growth, there is increased pressure on the incumbents to optimise their asset portfolios and product mix to build competitive advantage and create unique value propositions.

Amidst this, in India, the gas sector is growing leaps and bounds. LNG imports are growing caused by added infrastructure. The national oil companies are adding newer refining and petrochemicals capacity. Distribution, retail, virtual pipelines are adding to the capital demand. That’s making global oil companies and niche regional players look at fresh investments in India, just like local medium and large companies are. 

How PwC can help

PwC’s Oil & Gas and Emerging Alternatives team can work with you to strengthen your existing portfolio and help you to capitalise on revenue diversification and business expansion opportunities. We can support you in making the right business decisions by analysing the market through multiple lenses to capture unique value pools.

We can:

Provide market entry and business development support covering market assessments and policy, regulatory and pricing advisory

Provide market entry and business development support covering market assessments and policy, regulatory and pricing advisory

Provide petroleum commodities contract advisory services

Provide petroleum commodities contract advisory services

Develop commercial strategy advisory covering go to market support, trading strategy support, optimising sourcing strategies, new product/application introductions and designing unique CVPs

Develop commercial strategy advisory covering go to market support, trading strategy support, optimising sourcing strategies, new product/application introductions and designing unique CVPs

Identify capital investment opportunities, assess them from different perspectives and frame mitigation plans for potential risks

Identify capital investment opportunities, assess them from different perspectives and frame mitigation plans for potential risks

Scout the market for value creation opportunities through identification of potential M&A targets, JV partners or investors

Scout the market for value creation opportunities through identification of potential M&A targets, JV partners or investors

Provide end-to-end transaction advisory services including vendor/target due diligence, independent valuation studies, deal structuring and formulation of transaction agreements

Provide end-to-end transaction advisory services including vendor/target due diligence, independent valuation studies, deal structuring and formulation of transaction agreements

Enhance value realisation through development of business plans, creation of roll-out strategies and post-transaction implementation support

Enhance value realisation through development of business plans, creation of roll-out strategies and post-transaction implementation support

Leverage digital and advanced technology in OGEA sector

Digital technologies offer opportunities to reduce costs in various ways and is also creating new business models that are being pioneered by new entrants from outside the sector. To maintain competitiveness, businesses must ensure that their organisation is ready to meet new digital challenges to respond to customer needs, and where possible, define the future of digital engagement.

Digital technologies offer significant opportunity for improved quality and cost savings across the OGEA sector by enabling more efficient design, operation and maintenance of assets throughout their lifecycle. Digital projects have delivered millions of dollars in savings by optimising production and business processes. By using data to drive business and operational decisions, many companies are progressing with their own transformation to the next level of performance and operational excellence.

Companies are digitising essential functions within their internal vertical value chain, as well as with their horizontal partners along the supply chain. In addition, they are enhancing their product portfolio with digital functionalities and introducing innovative, databased services. However, many chemicals companies are still in the early stages of understanding how such opportunities can be applied effectively to their businesses.

How PwC can help

Our chemicals advisory team at PwC can provide chemical industry knowledge and functional expertise in digital operations, customer management, business transformation, process optimisation and supply chain.

Our offerings include:

Strategy through Execution - Holistic consulting approach to advice clients’ digital journey.

Strategy through Execution - Holistic consulting approach to advice clients’ digital journey.

Digital Collaboration - Solutions for the perfect collaboration with your clients, partners and suppliers.

Digital Collaboration - Solutions for the perfect collaboration with your clients, partners and suppliers.

Technological implementation and automation - Expertise in the development and implementation of technological platforms.

Technological implementation and automation - Expertise in the development and implementation of technological platforms.

Business Analytics - Extensive knowledge and experience in the analysis of business data.

Business Analytics - Extensive knowledge and experience in the analysis of business data.

Customer experience (CX) - Innovative solutions by combining our structured frameworks with creative approaches, e.g. prototyping

Customer experience (CX) - Innovative solutions by combining our structured frameworks with creative approaches, e.g. prototyping.

Develop digitalisation vision

Develop digitalisation vision

Identify digital maturity

Identify digital maturity

Define digital principles and ownership

Define digital principles and ownership

Develop a digital culture and strategy

Develop a digital culture and strategy

Build the digital business on data insights

Build the digital business on data insights

Digital initiatives implementation

Digital initiatives implementation


Increased customer orientation

Increased customer orientation

Improved operational efficiency

Improved operational efficiency

Improved responsiveness to competitors and suppliers

Improved responsiveness to competitors and suppliers

Better market positioning

Better market positioning

Sustainable growth

Sustainable growth

Joining the emerging alternatives market supporting circular economy and succeeding

Realising the pressing need for transition from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy sources, PwC has pioneered the efforts for mainstreaming of next generation fuels like hydrogen, biofuels, synfuels, etc. These fuels can mitigate the concerns regarding round the clock supply, storage and also caters to sectors or process that are hard to electrify. PwC believes that significant opportunities exist for tapping the synergy between liquid or gaseous fuel coming from various sources.

Besides energy security, PwC’s endeavors in this area also focuses on carbon neutrality, import substitution, urban sanitation, increasing farmer income, social inclusion, etc.

How PwC can help

PwC has a dedicated team to support you in commercial, economic, regulatory, policy and technical aspects of fuel switching, supply chain mapping, green financing, policy interventions, etc. We provide consulting services in areas including Hydrogen, HCNG, BCNG, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Waste-to-Energy, Coal-to-fuel.

Our key offering includes:

Resource mapping, technology mapping, market analysis, financial analysis and assessment of socio-economic benefits

Resource mapping, technology mapping, market analysis, financial analysis and assessment of socio-economic benefits

Logistics and supply chain solutions

Logistics and supply chain solutions

Policy design and implementation support, institutional capacity building and developing sector masterplans and roadmaps

Policy design and implementation support, institutional capacity building and developing sector masterplans and roadmaps

Developing plans for energy inclusion through decentralised models and ensuring local community involvement

Developing plans for energy inclusion through decentralised models and ensuring local community involvement

Strategy and operations

The global crude oil price plunge that got triggered in 2014-15 has cast a long shadow for the oil and gas producers. Despite signs of gradual recovery during 2016-18, uncertainty still prevails. Sluggish economic growth in some of the largest oil importing nations such as China and US, growing shift to more cleaner energy sources coupled with efficiency gains in shale gas production have only widened the demand and supply gap. With the majority of Oil & Gas companies deferring their capital expenditures, the opportunities for contractors and service providers have contracted drastically. How to sustain and grow in such a competitive environment is the key question being grappled with by oil and gas contractors and service providers today.

How PwC can help

We can help you make the right moves to expand your opportunity horizon and develop a competitive advantage that positions you favourably for addressing the opportunities.


We have extensive experience in designing and implementing strategies for EPC contractors as well as service providers in the sector. Our deep knowledge and understanding of the value chain, the competitive landscape and global outlook help us design effective strategies for our clients on where to play and how to play.

PwC can help you with:

Growth strategy

Growth strategy

Market entry strategy

Market entry strategy

Strategic bidding

Strategic bidding

Service portfolio assessment

Service portfolio assessment

Business expansion via adjacencies

Business expansion via adjacencies

Digital strategy

Digital strategy

Operations img


With prolonged periods of low crude prices and long-term forecasts having been considerably downgraded, it is the contractors and service providers that have been squeezed for margin. Oil and gas field developers are struggling with viability of their projects which is getting reflected in deferment of their projects. From efficiency improvements to looking at restructuring to leaner organisations are some of the areas the contractors and service providers are resorting to, to address such challenges.

PwC can help you with:

Efficiency improvement

Efficiency improvement

Designing an efficient procurement and contracts function

Designing an efficient procurement and contracts function

Organisation restructuring

Organisation restructuring

Support with critical yet non-core functions to lean organisations

Support with critical yet non-core functions to lean organisations

Bid advisory

Bid advisory

Claims and contracts management

Claims and contracts management

Digital solutions

Digital solutions

Virtual pipeline using LNG

The virtual natural gas/LNG pipeline replicates the continuous flow of a physical pipeline, particularly in areas where physical pipeline is not available. In India, due to delays in developing physical pipelines, virtual gas pipeline becomes critical in providing gas access to customers. Virtual pipeline system delivers LNG by road, rail and marine transport to areas/customers that are not connected by physical gas pipelines.

How PwC can help

PwC has a dedicated team to support you on commercial, economic, regulatory, policy and technical aspects of setting up virtual gas pipeline.

Our key offering includes:

Market analysis and financial analysis for virtual gas pipelines

Market analysis and financial analysis for virtual gas pipelines

Logistics and supply chain solutions

Logistics and supply chain solutions

Regulatory review and policy design

Regulatory review and policy design

Digital solutions

Digital solutions

Regulatory advisory services

PwC has been at the forefront working with government agencies and oil and gas companies driving market through effective regulatory design, implementation and compliance management. The oil and gas regulatory consulting team at PwC helps government agencies in attracting investments, promoting competition, protecting the consumer interest, inducting new technologies, and ensuring compliance across the oil and gas value chain. At the same time, we work with oil and gas companies across the value chain to strategise for regulatory bidding rounds, effectively manage the regulatory compliance, technology enablement for monitoring and reporting tools and leverage the opportunities created by the regulatory changes.

How PwC can help

Our offerings in this area includes:

Developing sector master plans

Developing sector master plans

Assistance in bidding rounds and project execution

Assistance in bidding rounds and project execution

Fiscal and regulatory benchmarking

Fiscal and regulatory benchmarking

Regulatory and policy design and implementation support

Regulatory and policy design and implementation support

Technology enablement

Technology enablement

Regulatory compliance solutions

Regulatory compliance solutions

Assistance in dispute resolution

Assistance in dispute resolution

Create value through acquisition, divestitures and investments

The need for ensuring security of supply, extending market presence, or freeing up cash and capital have made imperative for Indian oil and gas companies to alter their portfolios. Whether it is a full-scale merger, entering into a joint venture for a business opportunity or raising funds in the capital markets, PwC is a leader in the marketplace for our knowledge and experience in financial services.

How PwC can help

Financial due diligence

Financial due diligence

Valuation advisory

Valuation advisory

Deal structuring

Deal structuring

Tax advisory

Tax advisory

Capital and debt raising

Capital and debt raising

Operational due diligence

Operational due diligence

Initiation of deals

Initiation of deals

Commercial due diligence and transaction support

Commercial due diligence and transaction support

Deal-closure documentation

Deal-closure documentation

Investment image



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Contact us

Deepak Mahurkar

Deepak Mahurkar

Leader, Oil and Gas, PwC India

Ajay Deshmukh

Ajay Deshmukh

Executive Director, Oil and Gas, PwC India

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