The Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) had organised a National Conference on "Inorganic Growth" on 17 July 2018 in New Delhi.
The focus of the seminar was on exploring M&A, JVs and technical alliances to stay competitive in a dynamic automotive component manufacturing industry.
The seminar aimed to bring together leading auto component manufacturers to deliberate on the potential value creation opportunities using appropriate M&A strategies and also hear out various perspectives from industry leaders, thought shapers and consultants.
Sankalpa Bhattacharjya, Partner & Leader - Deals Strategy, shared insights on how should companies could look at buying, selling and entering into joint ventures, and the various steps one should consider before, during and after a deal. PwC's presentation covered relevant examples from the automotive industry and dos/don'ts for auto component companies. The conference was attended by over 100 CxO-level delegates in the automotive ancillary industry.
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