June 15, 2022, Mumbai - PwC India today announced it achieved the highest level of UiPath technical accreditation with UiPath Services Network (USN) certification. With this certification, PwC India joins a select group of UiPath global partners with advanced certification that have the expertise and advanced delivery skills required to build and scale end-to-end automation for their clients.
The UiPath Services Network (USN) Partner Certification was designed to foster a network of service delivery providers that UiPath customers can source for transformative and complex automation implementations. PwC India’s Intelligent Automation service offers a full range of business process transformation solutions, with demonstrated success in real-world customer projects and advanced delivery skills. This certification also helps UiPath leverage PwC capabilities to build industry-specific digital solutions powered by the UiPath platform to solve customer problems.
"The USN certification is a validation of PwC India's expertise on the UiPath platform and the business outcomes are capable of delivering to our customers", said Sumit Srivastav, Partner and Leader, Intelligent Automation at PwC India.
“Intelligent Automation is a critical lever within our technology consulting practice. The PwC India and UiPath alliance further strengthens our offerings to deliver a human-led, automation-powered approach to solving customer problems", said Pawan S Kumar, Partner and Leader, Technology Consulting, PwC India.
“The strategic value a company places on the importance of automation to transform their business opens new avenues to scale and drives sustainable growth. We are incredibly excited to be in this journey alongside PwC to deliver the best-in-class quality solutions and services, and generate desired automation outcomes for our customers,” says Marcus Low, Vice President, Partners & Strategic Accounts, Asia Pacific and Japan, UiPath.
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PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.
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