Our dedicated state-of-the-art Cyber Protection Centres (CPC) are hosted in Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Kolkata. A part of Managed Security Services (MSS), CPC is a secure facility designed to maintain situational awareness. It continuously monitors and analyses a number of security parameters related to a client’s systems and external threat intelligence to detect and respond to cyber threats. CPC is physically protected with biometric authentication. The centre includes monitoring and response areas where security analysts continuously monitor threat levels and perform an analysis of suspected attacks. It merges deep security domain expertise with consulting experience providing a differentiated experience unlike any other service provider.
CPC has a dedicated SOC (Security Operations Centre) equipped with all the modern security monitoring and response tools that assist analysts in responding to security incidents in a timely manner. PwC SOC has dedicated teams of L1 incident handlers, SIEM admins, device management, threat research and advisory, malware analysts. The Centre is meant to enhance an organisation’s technical controls to avoid loss of intellectual property, fraud, leakage of customer data and other sensitive information.
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